For the production of our Middle-Eastern product range we work since 2018 with Fermes Bio Sehoul in Morocco. The ingredients for the spice pastes are produced by ten Morrocan farmers who are united in the cooperative Fermes Bio Sehoul, located in the north-east of the country.
The farmers grow their produce on small plots of land and sell their wares at local markets. Fairtrade Original buys the ingredients for its seven Middle-Eastern spice pastes directly from the cooperative. Fermes Bio Sehoul was originally set up to put organic farms on the regional map, but thanks to the partnership with Fairtrade Original, the joint effort now feeds an international audience.

For the partnership to become a reality, the cooperative had to obtain Fairtrade certification. In a joint effort with local consultant Hakima, the farmers worked hard on implementing Fairtrade standards and practices.
The farms and ingredients are currently Fairtrade certified, but the Fairtrade mark may only be displayed on the packaging once the stability of the supply process is officially established. This is a priority for all those involved and we hope to carry the Fairtrade certification mark on our products in late 2020.