Farmer Victor together with his family in Santa Marta, Colombia

In early 2019, we embarked on a new adventure in our coffee journey by launching Community Coffee. Fairtrade Original buyer Mark purchases the coffee beans directly from coffee cooperative Red Ecolsierra, a Fairtrade and organic cooperative that unites 400 farming families in the UNESCO National Park Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia.

The civil war that raged in the area caused extensive ecological and economic damage that still affects local infrastructure, such as roads, electricity supply and healthcare. Our joint mission is to help local communities and the ecosystem recover from these disasters.

Alberto and Reynaldo in de Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta, Colombia.

To achieve this, we are paying an additional Fairtrade Original premium on top of the Fairtrade minimum price and the regular Fairtrade and organic premiums. The Fairtrade Original premium is invested into projects of the farmers’ own choosing and thus benefits them directly.

Our agreement with the cooperative offers the farmers financial security and peace of mind because it guarantees the sale of a significant part of their harvest.

One of the coffee farmers at Red Ecolsierra picking coffee berries.

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, where Red Ecolsierra is located, is the highest coastal mountain range in the world. As such, it benefits from various microclimates and has an unparalleled biodiversity which add unique qualities to our Community Coffee. All products in the Community Coffee range carry both Fairtrade and organic certification.

Truly tasty. To be fair.
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